
Monday, May 6, 2013

Designer Craft Connection Blog Hop - Wishes

Although there are endless ways to think about wishes - birthday wishes, good luck wishes, wedding wishes, bon voyage wishes, baby shower wishes, get well wishes, wishes that your children will have happy & healthy futures, when I thought about creating a post for today's blog hop following our "Wishes" theme was Jeannie.  Yes - Barbara Eden from the I Dream of Jeannie show many years ago.  It originally aired before my time, but I enjoyed the re-runs about a zillion times (and still do when I can find them on TV!)   I loved it so much that one Halloween many (many, many) years ago I even made a Jeannie halloween costume, complete with a jeweled bottle, and dressed my husband as Major Nelson for a party we were attending.   (What's one of MY wishes today?  That I could still fit into that costume lol!)     

I went to what seems to be a never-ending source of inspiration these days - PINTEREST - and searched "Genie" - the results were plentiful - and very interesting.   It seems "genies" inspire creativity of all kinds - photographs, costumes, paintings, cartoons, bottles, lamps, jewelry, and some of my favorites which I thought were completely amazing - this awesome, colorful cake, this enormous sand sculpture, and yes, there was even a genie costume for a dog!

I also found this quote, which I liked so much I decided to use for a mixed-media bracelet project.  I kept the basic bracelet very simple, as I plan to wear this regularly and wanted it to coordinate with many outfits. 

                “The absolutely awesome incredible power of belief is the genie in your life.”
                                                             ― Eldon Taylor


DIY Bangle - 1/2"
EarthSafe Finishes Shimmer Opaque - Black Pearl, black acrylic paint, paintbrush
Silver foil tape
ImpressArt® Metal Stamps - Newsprint and Lower Case, steel stamping block, brass stamping hammer
E6000® Adhesive
Hampton Art collage rubber stamp
Clearsnap® ColorBox® Crafter's Ink - Night
JudiKins Diamond Glaze™ 


Paint bangle, inside and outside, with 2 coats of Black Pearl Shimmer Opaque.  Let dry.

Following manufacturer instructions, use ImpressArt® stamps and tools to stamp quote/verse onto silver foil tape.

Apply coat of black acrylic paint over stamped quote, gently remove paint from non-stamped surface with a soft cloth.

Use E6000® Adhesive to mount stamped silver foil tape onto center of bangle.

Ink rubber stamp with ColorBox® Crafter's Ink, stamp onto both outside edges of bracelet.  Let dry.

Coat entire bracelet with two coats of JudiKins Diamond Glaze™.   Let dry.

Don't forget to follow the Designer Craft Connection link in the right column to see what other creative projects the designers are sharing with the "wishes" theme - Cindi


  1. Why have I not thought of stamping foil tape with these stamps? Great tutorial and I love the flashback you shared of I dream of Jeannie. I loved watching that show too.

  2. Cute! Cute! Cute! Love the quote and the finished project. Thank you for sharing it! "Wishing" you a wonderful day!

    -Suzann Sladcik Wilson

  3. What a great idea of stamping metal foil! Such a pretty bracelet! And that photo of you and your husband is wonderful! (I always wanted to live in Jeannie's bottle - all those tufted pillows made the inside look so luxurious!)

  4. great and clever craft! loved the costumes too!

  5. Such fun! I loved that show. And, no I didn't see it in re-runs! And, what a great quote and project.
