1 Cindi Bisson McGee - Behind These Eyes : WHEW!

Saturday, December 29, 2007


Whew! We survived the holidays! Hand made ornaments, baking, scrapbook page calendars and mini album gifts...... busy, crazy, fun! Hope it was joyous and safe for eveyone!

Now it's time to get it into high gear - CHA Anaheim is coming up FAST! I'll be attending and demonstrating at the Makin's Clay booth. I am working with fellow designer and friend, Becky Chabot, on a Designer Fashion Display for CHA. Thanks in advance to all the great sponsors who are helping with this project! Also busy working on projects for CHA for Creative Charms, Terra Bella, and more. Also doing some custom page work and having a creative blast!

Have had some great contacts recently about new opportunities - hoping to announce those soon!

Overall, I've been very blessed in 2007, and am hoping for an equally wonderful 2008. I guess I've decided turning 40 isn't so bad - if it means you can be happy with what you have in life, have a happy, healthy family, and can be fortunate enough to be able to share your creativity with others! Onward to 2008!

1 comment:

Becky Conley said...

Hey Cindi! YOU ROCK, can't wait to see all the cool stuff you create for display at CHA, you always WOW them!